➡️ What is IYENGAR YOGA?

Developed by BKS Iyengar, Iyengar Yoga is the systematisation (categorisation of asanas according to the benefit they create), refinement (research in depth of each asana) and modernisation (inclusion of western medicine, anatomy and physiology) of Hatha Yoga.

And… What is Hatha Yoga? Based on the dualities of HA and THA, Hatha Yoga is an intensive practice with the body at the centre to reach superior goals. Using architecture as a metaphor, we could also define Hatha Yoga as the alignment of the outer body (the walls) to bring stability to the consciousness (the inside).

This Iyengar Yoga “technology” is based on Precision (alignment and introspection), Timing (endurance and strength), Sequencing (for greater benefit) and Props/Aids (for better performance). Additionally, in Iyengar Yoga special focus is brought on how women should adjust their practice to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle.

Iyengar Yoga defines 10 groups of Asanas. Classes are arranged according to this classification: Standing Asanas, Sitting Asanas, Forward Bending Asanas, Rotations, Backbending Asanas, Inversions, Abdominal Contracting Asanas, Arm Balances, Jumping, and Regenerative Asanas.


Born in Spain in 1977, IKER ARRUE is a dancer and a certified IYENGAR YOGA teacher based in Germany.

With over 20 years of experience as a professional contemporary dancer and creator, Iker developed a choreographic language characterised by elegantly integrated movement patterns, precision and gesturality as director of AI DŌ PROJECT Dance Company in Spain. Iker has also taught dance-technique classes, workshops and repertoire in dance conservatoires and professional companies worldwide.

Iker had practised Hatha Yoga for many years during his career as a dancer. In 2015 he shifted to Iyengar Yoga drawn by its comprehensive pedagogical aspect, precision and alignment, which are unique features of Iyengar Yoga. Intending to have an in-depth understanding of these characteristics and with the desire to share them with others, he began training to become an Iyengar Yoga teacher. Iker is currently teaching in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Wuppertal.

Contact: info@ikerarrue-yoga.com / +4915733088887